Tuesday 15 February 2011

Swallowing the seeds.

When I was a little kid, my Uncle used to spin very tall tales.  He had a massive marble, which he said was a wishing stone, and he spent ages convincing me I'd get the Care Bear I was wishing for if I just wished every day.. and yes, it was meant to be a real one.  Needless to say, that never happened.  He bought me a bear from Canada, and he said it's because he cares.. but it's just not the same if you ask me.

Most people will have heard the tale of swallowing melon/pumpkin seeds.. that if you do such a daft thing, you'll have a vine of almighty food growing in your belly.  Often, this was an explanation from afore stated uncle for the bellies of pregnant women.  It was sound reasoning in my view - as a 5 year old - and even now, I'm starting to think it's true.  I ate watermelon some weeks ago, and swallowed the seeds.  Yes, I took a giant risk.  So it may come as no surprise to you all that I am in the beginning stages of growing a watermelon sized belly.

(For anyone who may not have caught up yet.. I'm telling you that I'm pregnant....)

I've just skimmed past 8 weeks now, and looking very much forward to the day the morning sickness (not so aptly named, if you ask me, or hundreds of thousands of other mums...) goes away!

So there you have it... eating watermelon makes you pregnant.  I'm sure that's why there is so much infertility around... they've got it all completely wrong!! ;)

Sending out baby dust to those ttc-ing and here's to hoping you can have your very own watermelon/baby very very soon.. xoxox

A. xo


  1. Hooray for you both! So what type of watermelon seeds do you eat for a girl or a boy? Hehe! Can't wait till I'm growing a big belly but won't be for a while yet! Patience is my friend and enemy!

  2. congratulations Amy! I'm so happy for you! I knew it wouldn't take terribly long because EVERYONE is pregnant

  3. Thanks gals! Megs.. it's just the regular seeds -- you know, luck of the draw! ;o)

    Max!! I was just reading your blog this morning and I thought how adorable your little "baby" is.. he's soooo cute!! So... when will we be hearing your news? :oP xo
