Monday, 13 April 2009

Disappointment is the word..

I did it.  I went and got acupuncture.  I really thought it would work.  I really really thought it would work.  Let me explain.  The current stats are that 86% of women at term (which I am) go into labour within 24 hours.  I apparently do not count as one of the 86%, which is insanely crap!  Four days later I've been back for another shot.  We threw the book at my baby, using electricity (by way of a tens machine) and more little tiny needles.  We're all stocked up on moxibustion sticks, the smoking and non-smoking kind.  I don't know.  

I'm just fed up, like every other woman who is at 40 weeks.. every day that passes that I don't have labour pains I'm more disappointed.  I know I shouldn't be, I mean, let's face it.  Eli was only due today..  it's not even like he's late (until midnight).  He'll get here soon I'm sure, and I won't need to medically intervene, but I'm just so desperately waiting.  My whole family was here over the weekend, just waiting for me.  They've had to go home to work, so they missed out this time.  I just wish I'd been able to "perform"..  You know, have a baby on demand.

We have had fun though, having said all of that.  We went for drives to different areas of my city, lunched on mountaintop cafe's and wandered through display homes.  It really was fun.  I will admit also that it was great taking my mind off the absence of contractions.  But inevitably, I had to return home and face the facts:  I am still very pregnant!!!  

I'll let you know how the session today turns out.  He told me that I have already defied the odds and so would be shocked if he had to see me a third time.  I hope this time he's right.  I want this baby out - yesterday if possible.  I am actually starting to long for the corridors of the hospital, the brusque nurses and the probing internal checks.  How sad is that right?  

Anyway - I will let you know, as I said, what the outcome is, when there is one!  

Hang in there all you preggie ladies!  I feel your pain!!

Thursday, 9 April 2009

The beginning of the .. well .. beginning.

I'm up earlier than I have been in the last 3 months...  This is due to my excitement about the arrival of my mum!!  It feels like it's all happening.  Not only do I love the company she provides, but the reason she's here, is for the birth!!!  That's more exciting than shopping and coffee shops. Soo much more!

So it's 8.15 am, but I've been awake since around 6 am.  This is super early for me, I must stress, as lately it seems I cannot drag my sorry butt out of bed until at least 10 in the morning.  I attribute this to "growing a human".  I figure it takes a lot of energy to do something so incredible.  

At this point, it's important to mention that I feel awesomely privileged to be the one who is able to do this.  I was watching a TV show last night that had a segment on men's pain management.  This reporter was literally writhing in pain with simulated contractions.  He lasted a grand 3 hours, working up to 60 second contractions every 3 minutes, before he called a time out.  He was sucking on gas for a bit too, but I guess it wasn't enough for him.  I understand that he was in pain, but seriously, who would go through that if it weren't for the miraculous little person you get to hug and kiss at the end of the torture??  I completely understand him declining to go on for a further 9 hours.  He said something in his agony that made me smile though.  

He said, "I have never been so glad to be a man."  

Now, again, while I stress that I am not knocking this guy - he did ok for a pointless torture session - I had to smile to myself and think, "I have never been so glad to be a woman".  We, as womankind, have an amazing duty as nurturers and providers for our babies, even before they are born.  But do you know what I think is THE SHIZ about the whole thing??  Our bodies do it with no conscious thought!  Our cells are programmed to create something from literally two individual chromosomes.  That blows my mind.  Then we have to summon all our strength, mental, physical and emotional and give birth to this being that has been feeding off our bodies for 9 months.  This being is perfect (in most cases..) and whole and wonderful, and we will never feel love and emotion as deeply for anything else - except for the next being we create within our bellies.  I love being a woman!! I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Anyways.. Sorry, I got off track.  I will keep you updated (hopefully) over this easter weekend on the activities of mum and I.  Oh, and by the way, acupuncture appointment is TODAY!!  I've got my fingers toes and eyes crossed in the hope that this is the straw that broke the waters.. haha.  

Have a safe weekend all.. :)

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Pregnant, swollen and uncomfortable!

So, I am 39 weeks pregnant, and 2 days, with 5 days left on the rocket clock countdown..  I am an anomaly as far as I know.  In all the posts and info sites I've read, the recommended weight gain is around 25-35 pounds (or 10-15 kg).  I have gained DOUBLE the recommended weight, starting at a nice neat 141 pounds (64 kg) and have almost finished my sentence at a whopping 207 pounds (94 kg).  I am surprised to say the least, as I am not that "fat".  I mean, if I were to be honest with myself, I would say, yes, I am a bit bigger than I used to be, and I will have some work to do after I've given birth to my little cherub, but in being honest, I wouldn't say I'm "obese", or disgustingly fat.  I'm puffy in my hands and feet, (refer to previous post "Help! My ring is stuck!") and I've definitely got great "foundation" legs - or so I call them - they aren't about to give out underneath the weight of my massive belly!  Having said all of that, I am looking forward to getting the control of my body back, and returning to my once (unappreciated) good figure.  Stay tuned for the results of that adventure... :)

Help!! My ring is stuck!!

You are going to laugh.. or maybe not.  I'm not.  I'm sure I will later though.  Right now, my wedding ring finger is too sore for me to be laughing.  

I woke up this morning, thinking, maybe now is a good time to remove my wedding ring.  I thought, yeah, sure, my fingers are a bit swollen, but it'll come off with a little olive oil and some tugging!

I was wrong!!

After trying to remove the ring for around 15 minutes, it began to balloon beyond anything I'd ever seen.  It glowed purple and red and hurt so much it brought tears to my eyes.  So I decided to give up and ice it instead.  I guess I'll just leave it on until the swelling from my pregnancy goes down.. let's hope that doesn't take too long.  I don't want to chop the ring off, because it's worth about 15 grand (lucky me, I know!).  In fact, I wonder what it would cost to get my finger chopped off?!?!  Just kidding..  (see, I told you I'd laugh about it later!)

Anyway, this isn't a big deal unless my finger swells to the point where the ring is turning it purple or cutting off blood supply - without my help.  So far, this isn't happening, but I can feel the paunch of my finger hanging over the ring, like a fat man whose jeans are fastened with a belt about 5 sizes too small for his girth.  Hmm.. What to do..

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Soldiers of disease! Preparing to protect.


I just made a call that is going to save my little miracle's life.  I feel like the defender of all things defenseless!  

We, Roland and I, have decided to naturally immunise our little youngling using homeopathic immunisation.  For anyone wondering "WHY", I've pasted a list of benefits underneath (found at  

I'm really excited about it, because for only $72.60, my child(ren) are going to be disease free and there is no risk of any of the controversial issues, ie. Autism.  

Benefits of Homeopathic Immunisation 

1. Homeopathic immunisation is extremely safe. It does not poison, create addictions, or produce toxic side-effects. Chemical interactions with other medicines do not happen. Homeopathy does not harm. 

2. Instead of targeting the pathogen, bacteria or virus that causes the epidemic disease, homeopathic immunisation has its effect by naturally strengthening the resistance of the individual. For this reason, pathogens can never develop a resistance to the prophylactics. 

3. Homeopathic immunisation protects against diseases for which no vaccine exists; for example, the 'B' strain of meningococcal (meningitis) disease that is responsible for most infections in countries such as Australia. 

4. Homeopathic immunisation protects when vaccines may be unsuitable, (e.g. those who have already had an adverse vaccine reaction, the malnourished, the sick and debilitated, the immune-compromised, the pregnant, those allergic to vaccine materials, and those on steroids.) 

5. Recent Australian research showed that homeopathic immunisation provided 90.4% protection against childhood infectious diseases. This figure is consistent with overseas studies. It also compares favourably with the 75-95% protection rates offered by vaccines. 

6. Homeopathic immunisation is easily distributed and dispensed. One dose usually consists of a small, round, sugar pill that is dissolved in the mouth - pleasant for all ages. It does not need needles or syringes, require refrigeration, or depend on teams of trained health workers for distribution or administration. It is clean, natural, environmental medicine at its best.

39 weeks ...

The date is April 7th.  I have 6 days to go til I'm due.  I feel like I was due a month ago.  The 6 days I have left are going to feel like the longest 6 days in the history of mankind.  I was convinced that Eli was going to come early.. chances are, he's not going to.  That's ok, I'm fine with that minor disappointment, but I'm feeling ready to give birth.  

My husband and I are natural types.  We've decided on an intervention free birth (fingers crossed) and I'm really hoping I don't need to be medically induced.  I've made an appointment with an acupuncturist for some assistance, perhaps we'll call it "encouragement" for the baby to come.  That appointment is in 3 days time, on the 9th.  Basically, I'm hoping that it "encourages" Eli to start labour so that by the weekend, I'll have a bouncing baby boy of my very own! Acupuncture is a nice, gentle, natural way of getting things moving.  There is around an 85% chance of going into labour after a session - so I'm feeling really confident that if he's not already here (or on his way) that this will do the trick!

I have never been more excited about anything, ever.  I suppose that's an obvious reaction to an impending birth, but I yearn for this baby like nothing I've ever known.  I'm so in love with him already, it's crazy!!  

So, over the coming months, I want to introduce you to my family, share my birth story, my pregnancy memories and the challenges and joys I face as a new mum.  I hope you enjoy what you read!!