Friday, 31 December 2010


BFLON? Yes, big fat lot of nothing.  That's what last month's cycle turned out to be.  It's ok, it was an incredibly long shot.  To fall pregnant, you need to have done the baby dance at the very latest 2 or 3 days prior to ovulation.  Last cycle, I think it was about 5 days.  That's too long, no matter which way you cut it.  I mean, don't get me wrong, sometimes strange things happen.. but in my opinion, if you've "conceived" by "dancing" 4 or 5 days prior to ovulation, you've got the ovulation dates wrong (more than likely..).

Anyway, pressing on to a new cycle, which happened to fall conveniently over my man's holidays! Yay for baby making to a less ridiculous schedule!! For those that don't already know, my husband is away all week and home on the weekends due to work.  So to have him home for almost a week was pure bliss, and honestly, very convenient! ;o) It just so happened that I ovulated much earlier than I anticipated, so the timing could not have possibly been any more perfect!  Keep in mind, we are trying for a girl, so it's a little more finicky than going for a boy.  You can google that... I don't have the energy to break it down right now. :o)

So here I am, at the very beginning of yet another 2WW, which may or may not drive me crazy this time.  I feel so optimistic about this cycle that I feel like I can just forget about it for a week or so and then scrutinise every little twinge for pregnancy signs.  I'll let you know how I'm going though (unlike last month.. sorry about that..)

Good luck and babydust to all those TTCers out there!

A. xo

Friday, 10 December 2010

The DPO countdown..

I'm 8 DPO (days past ovulation) and I'm starting to tear little bits of my hair out.  I can't stand this waiting thing.. SO, I did a pregnancy test.  That's a dumb move, and I know that, but I did it anyways.  I kept thinking I could see a tiny little faint line - I hope I could, as that means tomorrow will be a less faint line.. but if I didn't, tomorrow will be disappointing.

Not to worry I guess.  This too shall pass, as someone once said. :o)  I'm going to class this morning's HPT as a BFN and keep waiting. :oS

A. xo

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Two Week Wait

Ohhh how I loathe the TWW.. Most mummies, or mummies to be, or even wanna be mummies will agree that the tww is the WORST two weeks of your LIFE! (maybe I'm dramatic, but I'm sure some people would agree with me).  The tww consists of scrutinising everything your body does, and praying with every fibre of your being that it's doing what you think it's doing.  Then there's the convenience of the HPT (home pregnancy test).. which is oh so easy to overuse!  Most pregnant women don't have detectable amounts of the needed hormone - HCG - until a day or more after they've missed their period, which produces painfully negative tests from about 7 days past ovulation.  Every test is like a punch in the face.  Trust me on that one.

So I want to hear from those in their two week wait.. because I too am there.  Yes, hubby and I are actively trying, and now I'm going to drive myself insane with every little sign and symptom until the day I get my dear old friend (whom I hate very much) Aunt Flow.

On the bright side, it's only about 6 days til I can test... 6 whole long torturous days... Wish me luck!! :o)

A. xo