Thursday, 11 June 2015

To My Stalkers

Hi there, spunky trunks.  Yes, you.  The hottie that faithfully clicks on my page, even though I've not posted in .. oh .. forever.  You are my favourite person.  People, even!  My little visitor counter down the bottom of my blog is clicking over because of you.  So you earned something special.  A blog post.

I can see you jumping up and down with excitement.  I'm so glad I can make you happy.

Of course I'm kidding.  I doubt anyone is actually reading this anymore.. but hey, it's worth a go, right? :)

Firstly I will update you on all the boring stuff.  My kids aren't boring, at least not to me, but it's the small talk I have to write before I can give you all the latest goss.

Eli is now 6.  SIX.  Older than 5.  Crazy. Town.  He's in grade 1, which is basically like saying he's grown and left home.  It just blows my mind that he's so... OLD.  But along with the age has come something else that's quite satisfying.  Self awareness.  He is SO conscious of being a good person, doing the right thing, behaving properly and generally just being awesome.  He is the child I hoped I would eventually have, but never really believed I would.  He's doing wonderfully at school, and he is indeed the teacher's pet.  Not once did I see that coming.  But I'm so uber proud of him for it.

Sullivan is almost 4.  (September).  He hit the threenage years with a bit of a vengeance.  I was slightly more prepped for his crazy burst than I was for Eli's, which was a very good thing, but I thought I might have gotten away without a terrible tantrum throwing two year old when BAM!  He put his foot on the accelerator and left me in his hissy-fit-throwing dust.  Not to worry.  He's almost through it.  At least.. I hope so.  In there is still my extremely soft and kind little boy, and every now and then he wanders out to play.  I love those times.  He's so very special.

Arlington (who I don't think I've formally introduced) is our third and most wonderfully wild little man.  He was born in August 2013, after a little bit of a prod (A.R.M - artificial rupture of membranes, AKA water breakage) and it's a lucky thing he came when he did!  I managed to (basically druglessly) heave out a 10lb 4oz BOOF head.  I distinctly remember thinking that his birth was much more difficult than that of Sully or Eli.. it was SO TOUGH to get him out.  But I did it.  And I'm alive.  So, yay.  Arlington (Arlo/Arley) is my wild child.  He climbs.  On. Everything.  He loves to draw.  On. Everything.  He is not gentle with the adopted cat that lives here.  I'm almost certain she has bald spots.  If he could ride her around the yard, I'm sure he would.  He is certifiably the most crazy, bad-ass kid I have.  And yet.  He's so extremely cute and cuddly and deceptively sweet looking that it kind of makes it all ok.  He has Sully's softness and Eli's passion (for mischief/getting his way).  He's incredibly stubborn, and loves his brothers with everything he has.  He will occasionally give out kisses and cuddles, but not for everyone.  It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, when I watch him playing happily.  His smile melts me.  He's very, very, VERY cool.

So that's the chit chat, about the kids and what's up.  Now on to me.

I have launched a new business!  Why?  I'm not sure, maybe I wasn't busy enough.  Definitely bored or something.  But I'm really excited about it...

Meet my newest 'baby', Love Illuminated.

Big Love, the sign you will see prominently displayed on our website, is the first of many super cool light props we have for hire for weddings and events.  I am the designing mastermind, and I have minions doing the nitty-gritty/hard work.  It's been amazing so far, and I honestly cannot wait to see where this venture takes me.  I read somewhere that to be successful you have to work 'on' the business, not 'in' the business.  So I'm focussing on removing myself from the major equation.  Not only because I want to be able to conduct business in my PJ's, but also because I can't be away every weekend (or even every week day) from my littlings.  They will always come first.  But who says we can't have it all, right? ;)

Now that I've shamelessly plugged my (insanely fab) business, why don't you check out the site, and then write a little comment to let me know my blog posts are being seen by at least the 2 of you who log on and visit me every few hours.. ;)

A. xo