Now, I don't know why, but I am TERRIFIED! I don't know what I'm going to do with a walker.. especially since he doesn't even crawl yet. I assume, being the super baby he is, he is going to skip crawling either completely, or just crawl for a day and then run off on me the next.
I found him on his knees in his cot, holding onto the railing. I then commissioned my husband to drop the base down so he doesn't combat roll over the top and splat onto the ground.
This raises a whole new set of issues and rules for me... I can no longer leave him on the floor while I shower. He will have to be LOCKED UP! :o) I have to buy stair gate thingy's.. oh joy. I am going to have a sore back from holding his hands while he practices walking. These sound great, right? I'm now going to have to worry if he's going to fall flat on his back and smash his head. This is all too much for me!! I can't cope! How does anyone ever manage a soon-to-be toddler?? He's not even going to be a toddler... just a walking BABY!!
OMG... wish me luck!!
:o) A xo
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