Thursday, 13 January 2011

Time for an update...

Well... I have news.  Tis day 10.  Not yet at day 14, but a whole lot closer.  :)  This has to be good news right??

I do need to think about this carefully.. if I am pregnant, do I say so straight away, or do I wait for the dreaded 12 weeks to be over before I share?  I think I've mentioned in previous posts that I am a fan of the share, but I just don't know what is really appropriate this time around.  I guess I'll make that choice when the time comes... ;)

In other news, flooding...  Our state has been swamped over the last few days/week with dirty muddy stinky water.  Brisbane, our flagship city, has gone under again, the second time in less than 40 years.  It's been devastating to so many, and there is still yet more devastation to be realised yet.  I'm personally fine, and haven't really been directly affected by the floods.  Kingaroy is fairly high, and safe from that sort of thing, however, we are central to most of the flooding, and so are isolated and depending on our stocks of baked beans to get us through.  Like I said, we're fine, but it's still shocking to see.  There is no meat, bread, milk or eggs to be bought, and no promise of anything soon.  Luckily, I have my own bread maker, we drink a lot of soy (which can be stored in the pantry), and living in a rural community, we've been getting our eggs for some time straight from a farm.  So, all is ok with us and ours.  That hasn't stopped the rest of the town from going on panic stations!  The aisles at the supermarket are bare, and there are still heaps of people trying to buy food.  It's crazy.

My husband is stuck in Brisbane - and he's ok too.  He hasn't been home for almost 2 weeks due to the water on the roads.  He was telling me this morning that he helped out some people at West End who were trying to evacuate.  He drove around on his way to work and thought, I have to help.  So he did.  I couldn't be more proud of him. :)

Anyway... I have nothing profound to say.. Must be baby brain. hehe ;)

A. xo

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