Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Staring down the barrel..

It's week 31 of my third (yes, THIRD) pregnancy.  We are having a third (yes, THIRD) boy.

So, in case you were wondering, no, it wasn't "worth" trying for a girl.  It didn't work.  BUT, it was most definitely "worth" trying for another adorable baby.. I'm actually really excited about it all.

We're in the process of organising the rooms for the boys now.  We've ordered the mattress for the second bed in Eli's room, and I've got all the goodies I wanted to get to decorate the new one's room.. The only dilemma I now face is how to shuffle sleeping times and making sure everyone gets the undisturbed sleep they deserve.. (read: me..) I also invested in an amazing hammock - I have EVERYTHING crossed that he likes it..  In any case, it's called the Happy Hangup.  It's seriously the prettiest hammock that I have ever come across, and seems to be a hit with other people's babies...

I guess I'm worried about little things, like with the addition of any new child.  I have never been a mother of three before, so it's all a little bit daunting.  I'm sure that I'll be ok though.. I mean, if I can do pregnancy with 2 kids, surely a newborn is equal to or perhaps slightly less than that?  I'm pretty tired now, and on top of it, I'm sore and stiff, so maybe, just maybe I'll simply be tired and not sore?  Wishful thinking maybe.... I'll let you know how I go.. ;)

A. xo  

1 comment:

  1. Yay an Amy blog!!! All the best in the next few weeks!!
