Friday, 18 December 2009

Wrinkly? Me?

Am I really going to get old?  I don't wish to..  The wrinkles I can deal with.  Even the grey hair is O.K. (I mean, it's a pain in the butt, but I can manage..)  It's the disdain from younger people that I am really going to struggle with.  I notice it all the time, I guess especially in children to their parents - because I am now a parent, with a child, who will one day speak to me that way.  (Let's just see what he cops when that day comes - I'm sure I won't be that old that I can't lay back and deck him..)

As I type away, I'm watching "First Wives Club".  It's honestly depressing me...  I want to just enjoy the drama, but I can't help but see snippets of my future.  Not in a literal way, as in, "that reminds me of me, and my marriage", but in a "I'm getting older and losing my identity" kinda way...  (I'm not old - I'm only 24, but the clock keeps ticking, and it won't stop.. ever..)

Who really am I?  I know who I am, of course, but already, I describe myself as "a mum".  I understand that this is true, I am indeed a mum, but is that all I am?  Don't get me wrong, being a mum is everything to me.  I have wanted to occupy this position for a good chunk of my life, and I really love it, but I wonder if there is something outstanding just laying dormant underneath my dowdy exterior, waiting for me to work out, study or learn a new language to jump out and say "Hey!  You are something special!"

I don't know.  Maybe I'm destined to be a world class blogger.... :o)

Happily, the movie ends with all the "First Wives" taking control back and hitting their less than admirable low life husbands (ex) where it truly hurts.  It's pretty cliche in a lot of ways, but I guess it's all about girl power and - wouldn't ya know it - regaining identity!!  Wahoo!!  he he he

Ah, well, that's my brain fart for the night..

Make sure you do something for you every day, self love is the most important thing to remember, when attempting to be a good wife and mother!!

Love you all  ♥

A. xo

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