Sunday, 20 December 2009

Boxes, lists and really wide tape = MOVING TIME!

I am really excited.  No, really.  I've finally convinced my husband of 3 years that after living in Brisbane (Australia) for a solid 5.5 years, we are in desperate need of a move.  I may not feel that way, had it not been for my son being born, but now I feel the pull to head back home to my roots, my family, to a place called Kingaroy!

Kingaroy is small, as you could imagine from such a "country town" name.  I believe the current population is about 15,000 in the town and surrounds.  The thing is, when I was younger, this town used to annoy me.  I hated that we had nothing to do (cos then, we didn't..) and no where to go.  However, having grown up, moved out to a 'city', lived amongst the hustle and bustle... I would rather have nothing to do than fight with the traffic everywhere I go.  The air in the city is thick and smells bad.  The people are all in a hurry, and therefor in a bad mood.  The sights and entertainment, while very fulfilling to the single or no children folks, are just plain old unsuitable for a little family like ours.  I, we, have different priorities now - no longer do we simply have to have some fancy restaurants to go to, mega-plexes  to watch movies at and humungous shopping centres to buy our stuff at.  The main aim now is to be able to a) afford to live, b) one day in the near future own a house and c) have a network of friends and family to support us in living the quiet life of a suburban crew.

So, as of January 27th 2010, we will no longer be Brisvegas residents, but instead, country bumkins from the wild wild west... at least, that's what the city folk will say... 

I sent off our application for a house just yesterday (Saturday) in the hopes that they'll get it Monday or Tuesday and process it just in the nick of time before christmas fries their brains and they stop working for a few weeks.  I am really hoping to get an answer before they shut up shop - but I don't know if I like my chances.  Perhaps it will be a lovely new year's call... 

Anyway, the house is 4 bedrooms (as opposed to the 2 bed shoebox we currently occupy) and has a yard for lil Eli to play in when he gets his land legs happening.  I can't even tell you how wonderful it's going to feel to be able to breathe in fresh air, and fit all of our things into the one house.... :oD  Here's a link to the listing:

And here's a few snaps:

So that's it!  That's what's happening now!!  I'm seriously so excited, can't wait to be near my family again.  We just have to hope and pray that we are accepted!

Wish us luck!!!!

A. xo

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