Tuesday, 13 April 2010


It's so COLD!!  But, I believe I predicted the big freeze... The other day, Sunday to be a little more precise, I was enjoying lunch with family and friends, sweltering in the humidity that was melting me, one drop of perspiration at a time.  I stated in that moment:  "I'll bet this is the last hurrah of heat before the weather turns drastically and freezes us all into another ice age."  That's what I said.  Turns out, I was RIGHT.  Not that it really matters now, I guess...

All of that aside, I just wanted to blog and tell you that I have nothing to tell you.  That may be inaccurate, since I just wasted a minute or two of your life with my "cold weather prediction" story.  But I guess, other than that, I don't have all that much to say.  Sadly for you, I happen to be a rambler, so I'll end up putting on some music and tapping my fingers and somehow a blog post will appear, right before my eyes.  Sucks to be you... :oP

Eli has been teething, again, still, more, etc.  He's got these enormous dark grey spots on his gums where his first bottom molars are going to pop up.  He's not really at the age where he should have them, but hey, he kinda needs them.  He's a meat eater (as I mentioned in a very recent post, I do recall).  He wants to have a crack at just about any food, so molars will definitely come in handy for that.  Not so great for the furniture he chews on, but I guess that's a small price to pay for a sane child who can eat an entire steak for breakfast...

In other news, I recently put an amazingly gorgeous decal on the wall of my bedroom.... I posted that one on Facebook, so many will have seen it, but for those who haven't, it's awesome.  It took me AGES to do, cutting out all the bits individually, and sticking them on in the right spots according to the picture on the box.  It was heaps of fun though, and surprisingly simple.  I'm always a little bit nervous about putting something like that on the walls, in case it doesn't come off, or if I stick it up the wrong way it won't look as good as the display -- but this one did!!  It was easy, and looks fantastic.  I really have to get into the whole decorating thing.. you know, pick a colour and go for it.  It's really fun!!

See, I told you I'd think of something....

I must scoot off though, I think I hear my baby crying... (sorry, no life lessons or big advice today.. you'll have to fend for yourself this time! hehe)

A. xo

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