Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Happy Recipes for Happy Holidays!

So, I promised recipes, and here they are!  Enjoy!

Tim Tam Terrific Trifle

Simple... Layer:

- sponge cake (the softer the better) 
- canned mango
- canned berries
- whipped cream
- crushed Tim-Tams
- custard

Leave in the refrigerator for a few hours... OMG, yummmm.  :o)

Easy Peasy Beansies

Mix together:

1 can of 4 bean mix
Olive oil
Crushed garlic (as much or as little as you prefer - I like a fair bit..)
Red onion, diced finely
Salt and pepper

So easy, you can do it with your eyes SHUT!!  And it's delicious.

Choc Ripple Biscuit Slicey Goodness

2 packets of Choc Ripple biscuits
2 large containers of cream - whipped with vanilla and sugar

Layer cream and biscuits - standing biscuits on their sides in a log formation.  Don't be stingey with the cream!!  Cover completed 'log' with cream and set in the fridge for at least 6 hours - preferably over night.  Cut on diagonal to show off your culinary skills...  Eat it.  On your own is best... :oP

If you can't get these right, you shouldn't be allowed in a kitchen.  They taste amazing, and will impress, so please do steal these recipes!

Have fun cooking (or maybe just slapping together, since no actual cooking is involved... haha)

A. xo

Tis the season to get fatter... falalalala lalalala

Ok, so I don't celebrate "Xmas", or "Christmas", or whatever the kids are calling it these days...  But that's not what this post is about.  It's actually about all the groovy things I'll be doing, while the rest of the world scratches their heads on Boxing day, reeling from the reality that their credit card bills are due in less than a month.....

1.  I'm going to see my parents, my Brother, his Girlfriend, my Nana, my Uncles & Aunties, my Cousins & their families, my Grandparents, and more than likely a few friends from back home. yeehaww!

2.  I'm going to EAT.  A lot.  I won't intend to, but there is good probability that I'll put on about 5kgs... ouch.

3.  I'm going to run every day in the fresh air, in a last ditch attempt to stave off those 5kgs, while someone else deals with Eli.

4.  I will be cooking for loads of people!!  YAY!!  I will list my recipes in a new post...

5.  I'm going to play cards, lots and lots of cards.

6.  I'm going swimming, and I don't care if you think I look terrible in swimmers..... 

7.  I'm going to sleep during the day, at least once over the 10 days I'm away, regardless of whether or not Eli is awake.

8.  I'm going to tell each member of my family that I love them.  It's important.

9.  I'm going to take my husband and son to the Bunya Mountains.  Google it.

and, lastly...

10.  I'm going on a facebook strike.  I will attempt the unattainable, and vow to stay off facebook for an entire 10 days.... I'm going to need all the strength I can muster, so please, pray for me...... 

What are YOU doing on YOUR holidays????

A. xo

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Boxes, lists and really wide tape = MOVING TIME!

I am really excited.  No, really.  I've finally convinced my husband of 3 years that after living in Brisbane (Australia) for a solid 5.5 years, we are in desperate need of a move.  I may not feel that way, had it not been for my son being born, but now I feel the pull to head back home to my roots, my family, to a place called Kingaroy!

Kingaroy is small, as you could imagine from such a "country town" name.  I believe the current population is about 15,000 in the town and surrounds.  The thing is, when I was younger, this town used to annoy me.  I hated that we had nothing to do (cos then, we didn't..) and no where to go.  However, having grown up, moved out to a 'city', lived amongst the hustle and bustle... I would rather have nothing to do than fight with the traffic everywhere I go.  The air in the city is thick and smells bad.  The people are all in a hurry, and therefor in a bad mood.  The sights and entertainment, while very fulfilling to the single or no children folks, are just plain old unsuitable for a little family like ours.  I, we, have different priorities now - no longer do we simply have to have some fancy restaurants to go to, mega-plexes  to watch movies at and humungous shopping centres to buy our stuff at.  The main aim now is to be able to a) afford to live, b) one day in the near future own a house and c) have a network of friends and family to support us in living the quiet life of a suburban crew.

So, as of January 27th 2010, we will no longer be Brisvegas residents, but instead, country bumkins from the wild wild west... at least, that's what the city folk will say... 

I sent off our application for a house just yesterday (Saturday) in the hopes that they'll get it Monday or Tuesday and process it just in the nick of time before christmas fries their brains and they stop working for a few weeks.  I am really hoping to get an answer before they shut up shop - but I don't know if I like my chances.  Perhaps it will be a lovely new year's call... 

Anyway, the house is 4 bedrooms (as opposed to the 2 bed shoebox we currently occupy) and has a yard for lil Eli to play in when he gets his land legs happening.  I can't even tell you how wonderful it's going to feel to be able to breathe in fresh air, and fit all of our things into the one house.... :oD  Here's a link to the listing:

And here's a few snaps:

So that's it!  That's what's happening now!!  I'm seriously so excited, can't wait to be near my family again.  We just have to hope and pray that we are accepted!

Wish us luck!!!!

A. xo

Saturday, 19 December 2009


I haven't spoken to my best friend Kaz in about 7 months.  It's a long story why, so I won't bore you with the details... all you need to know is that circumstances in her life do not permit contact with me.

Anyway, I just wanted to say a few things, mainly for my own benefit, that reflect how I am feeling right now...

Kaz and I have been best friends for years.  She and I became close around the time I had my first "boyfriend".  I was about 15 at the time.  That's a total of 9 years.  We got to know each other pretty quickly, sharing secrets, and strategies on boys and matters of the heart.  We shared a love of poetry (writing it) and liked the same music.  She's a bit older than me, almost 6 years older in fact, but it's never really made any difference to our friendship.

I wouldn't say we were besties straight off, but we were extraordinarily close from the very beginning.  I guess that's how you know you've found yourself a lifelong friend.

The cement to our bond came when my "boyfriend" "dumped" me...  I was 17 by that stage, and severely heartbroken.  Kaz distracted me in my thoughts, hugged me while I cried, and let me know it was all gonna be ok.  She'd been through the death of her dad, whom she was particularly close to, and so she was more than aware that feelings of loss can be overcome.

Over the following years, we got up to stuff, mischief of course - clubs, drinking, music, road trips, weekends away, more boyfriends etc etc etc.  None of it was too serious, but when you're 18, everything is cool...  We got through heaps of tough times together, and I believe we will always be soul sisters for this fact.  We lived together when I first moved out of home - for almost 3 years we lived together.  Don't get me wrong, we had our moments of being cranky with each other, but it never lasted long, and we always maintained our solid bond throughout.

Kaz looked after me (everyone really).  She was always cooking.  She's always happy.  She is easily loved, and rarely forgotten.  She's not Japanese, contrary to common misconceptions...

We have so many "you had to be there's" and "personal jokes" that we could have written a series of books.  She was there when one of my exes was abusive to me.  We held each other's hands when a friend of ours was killed.  She has personally warned each man I've dated that should they hurt me, she'd kill them...  She was there when I graduated from being an apprentice, to being a fully fledged hairdresser.  She was there when I got married - maid of honour.   Now, I've had my first child, and she's never met him.  She's my very best friend, my sister, and she's never even so much as held my son.  I am gutted.  She'll be married in a few short weeks, and I'm not going to be her bridesmaid.  I won't get to make a daggy speech, or tell her husband that I will crush his testicles if he even so much as makes her cry.  I've never even met this guy.

I may crush his testicles anyway - but maybe I'll wait til they have their kids..

I wanted to tell you all of this, because I miss her.  I want her back in my life, and it's killing me a day at a time.  I love her like she's my sister, cos she is my sister.  She's the one person I expected to have in my life forever - I never even wanted to live in different towns...  >> That's another great reason to crush her fiance's testicles...

I know my baby is gonna love her, when he finally meets her.  And I genuinely want our kids to be best friends too.  Generations of friends in the making.  I want to see her get married.  I want to be with her, holding her hand, coaching her to push when she's giving birth to her first baby.

I love her incredibly.  That's even clearer to me, since I haven't had her around.  I can't wait to see her again, and I'm sure, that will be a day neither of us will ever forget.

Love A. xo

To have or not to have?

Not everyone is like me.  Not everyone has wanted kids forever.  Not everyone likes kids, especially not the thought of them being responsible for said kids.

That said, I truly believe there is a misrepresentation of parenthood out there...  So all those "not everyones" out there - this is for you!

I've been reading a great book, Babies! by Dr Christopher Green.  Of course, as the title suggests, it is a book on babies, most of which I thought I had down-pat.  I realised that, although I have a very good grasp on certain things, I have been misled by so-called professionals, just like many many other mums out there. It's no great revelation, it's just a clarifying moment for me...  For example:  I read, and was expressly told by midwives and doctors, that skin to skin contact directly after the birth was not only amazing for bonding, but downright essential for a good start in life.  BULL!  Yes, of course it's great for bonding, that part is true, but the implication is that if you fail in those first few hours after the birth of the thing you hold most precious to you, then you've failed them for life, and things will go badly from here.

How stupid is that?

If that were the case, as Dr Green points out, all adoptions would fail.  Mums who had caesers wouldn't be able to develop the same kind of relationship as a naturally birthing mum.  I was actually a subscriber to this nonsense, to the point where I was stressing about what to wear during birth so that I could easily get skin to skin contact with my son after he was born!  How ridiculous!  In an ideal world, we'd have dreamy 'orgasmic' labours, feel like a million bucks afterward, hold our baby for the first time, skin to skin of course!, and love and adoration would fall around us like a veil of perfection...... Blah!!  That's not what happens!!!

This is what really happens...

You spend hours in agonising labour (perhaps not, for those who are scheduled c-sections), you've been ripped to shreds - either by a scalpel, or a massive noggin stretching the bejeepers out of you.. You're tired, dazed and confused about this ever so small thing they're giving you..  You're numb from all the action, and then you feel guilty cos you don't automatically love and adore this being you've created the way you've been told you will ("if you hold it skin to skin..").  Don't feel guilty if this was you.  Bonding and love takes time, and it will happen.  Just let it be!

The other thing I wasn't really aware of was the "in-room care" you undertake when you've had your cherub.  This sounded great to me, as opposed to the "cold, noisy nursery" in the hospital.  I now believe this was all just a ruse, to get the nurses out of helping me..... I needed sleep and rest.  I didn't get it, because I was sure that having my baby sleep in the plastic crib beside my bed was for sure the way to go.... No way!!!  Take him, let him sleep in another room, and I will rest....  I'll be doing that next time, that's for sure.

I've also been reading a little about post natal depression.  Apparently it's not as psycho crazy as people make out.  I am about 98% certain that I still suffer from minor bouts of PND.  Anyway, if you want to know more about that, I honestly suggest you read this book..

Ok, that's all from me today!  (don't cheer so loud....)

he he he

A. xo

Friday, 18 December 2009

Who are you?

Hey again --
Quick question..  Who is reading my blog???  I have a hit counter (I understand this doesn't actually mean you've READ what I wrote) -- anyway -- this hit counter has recorder 258 page views on my awesome blog, and yet, I don't know who is reading, and what you think of what you're reading!
I really want you guys to leave comments, even if it's just to tell me that I'm too serious, or not funny enough..... I might cry, but I still want to know what you think!
Can't wait to hear from you!

A. xo

Wrinkly? Me?

Am I really going to get old?  I don't wish to..  The wrinkles I can deal with.  Even the grey hair is O.K. (I mean, it's a pain in the butt, but I can manage..)  It's the disdain from younger people that I am really going to struggle with.  I notice it all the time, I guess especially in children to their parents - because I am now a parent, with a child, who will one day speak to me that way.  (Let's just see what he cops when that day comes - I'm sure I won't be that old that I can't lay back and deck him..)

As I type away, I'm watching "First Wives Club".  It's honestly depressing me...  I want to just enjoy the drama, but I can't help but see snippets of my future.  Not in a literal way, as in, "that reminds me of me, and my marriage", but in a "I'm getting older and losing my identity" kinda way...  (I'm not old - I'm only 24, but the clock keeps ticking, and it won't stop.. ever..)

Who really am I?  I know who I am, of course, but already, I describe myself as "a mum".  I understand that this is true, I am indeed a mum, but is that all I am?  Don't get me wrong, being a mum is everything to me.  I have wanted to occupy this position for a good chunk of my life, and I really love it, but I wonder if there is something outstanding just laying dormant underneath my dowdy exterior, waiting for me to work out, study or learn a new language to jump out and say "Hey!  You are something special!"

I don't know.  Maybe I'm destined to be a world class blogger.... :o)

Happily, the movie ends with all the "First Wives" taking control back and hitting their less than admirable low life husbands (ex) where it truly hurts.  It's pretty cliche in a lot of ways, but I guess it's all about girl power and - wouldn't ya know it - regaining identity!!  Wahoo!!  he he he

Ah, well, that's my brain fart for the night..

Make sure you do something for you every day, self love is the most important thing to remember, when attempting to be a good wife and mother!!

Love you all  ♥

A. xo

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

"You want... moooorrrrrre?????"

Every time I look at a pregnant woman - I want another baby.  You wouldn't think that's possible, when you're feeling frumpy and ruined, tired beyond belief, unable to cope with the one you have, and your undercarriage has just never really recovered.

But it's true!!  I imagine most mums feel this way.  I don't know that for sure, but I assume it's the case.  It's a strange feeling - because I think about being pregnant again, feeling the little flutters of movement, imagining the unknown, and it makes me feel really excited.  Then, the reality creeps up on me and reminds me quietly that I will then not only have one child that wakes me up through the night, but possibly two... two children's nappies to change... two kids to carry around and stop from touching things...

two seems like a really big number...

I have to restrain myself though - I'll be honest.  It's really tempting just to go for it and get pregnant again. (I'm sorry about the pictures "go for it" conjures up - I promise it was NOT intentional...)

I wonder how I would feel about number 2.  It's not going to be exactly the same as my first - cos I've already been there, done that, so to speak.  It's going to be really great having an idea, however inaccurate, of what I'll be receiving at the end of it.  I wonder if the pregnancy will go quicker because I'm not just me, waiting to have a baby, I'm a mum, with one already keeping me very occupied.  It's always going to be an adventure, of this, I am sure!

I want to hear about your feelings on this....  Go ahead and leave a comment!  :)

A. xo

Monday, 14 December 2009

Sink and swim.

It's around 5pm that my son goes rank.  He cries because he's had enough of the day, but it's too early for bed.  He's hungry - but because he's teething (or just has ridiculously particular taste), he doesn't want to eat what I feed him.  He's bored with being on the floor, sick of being held, and gets just plain fed up with the world.

It's only recently, I have discovered the thrills of the kitchen sink.  I plopped him in it one afternoon to wash his hands - because, quite simply, he'd made a hell of a mess with the food he was meant to be eating.  He enjoyed it so much, that when he's really grumpy and whingey, I chuck him in for half an hour or so, and that seems to hit the spot for him.  

I'll never understand babies all that well, but it just goes to show you that sometimes, the thing you would never think of -- THAT is the answer!!

A. xo

Thursday, 10 December 2009

***Monster Children***

I hate naughty kids.  I can't stand them!  I tend to avoid them, as do, I'm sure, many people.

I encountered one such demonic child today, and it took every ounce of self control not to turn all mummy on this kid.  She had it coming to her - and when I say "it", I refer to a roundhouse kick to the head (not literally, of course, cos that's horrible..)

Anyway, this kid was full on screaming at her mother.  The ability she had to switch the tears and temper on and off was truly enviable.  But then, it occurred to me, that this mother had created her daughter that way for whatever stupid reason she'd made up in her head.  Maybe it was cos she was disciplined too much as a child, perhaps it was because she wasn't - we'll never know.  But I felt sorry for this kid, who is going to grow up a brat.  She's never going to know what it's like for people just to do stuff for her cos she's sweet, or for her to have friends that love her for who she is, not how she'll react if they "dump" her.

I guess every parent starts out thinking "my kids are never going to be like that"...  and I am one of those parents ... but at some point along the way, it's like a decision is made that changes the course of your life.  I understand it I suppose.  Some things aren't that cut and dried, so you decide to err on the side of caution and not discipline but instead, just divert attention, or soothe.  But then, those moments keep happening, and before you know it, your kid's a monster.  It's insidious and sneaky, but I guess that's what happens.  No one would choose for their child to be despicable.

I just hope that I don't have my "kid" coloured glasses on when it comes to my children.  Nothing would be worse than having such a beautiful child, and then ruining him with misguided love.

It's hard to know... but I sure as hell am gonna try!

A. xo

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Miracle Lasagne

Hey, so, I pinched some ideas for a killer lasagne recipe from a friend of mine (thanks HB) and I wanted to share it since it was just so goooood!

Chicken breast stirfry pieces chopped into small cubes.
Bacon (as much or as little as you prefer).
Basil, cashew and Parmesan chunky dip.
Sour cream.
Thinly sliced pumpkin pieces.
Baby spinach leaves.
Lasagne sheets.

Seal the chicken in some oil. Add onion, mushrooms and bacon - soften. Add basil dip and sour cream.

That part's now done!

Layer lasagne sheets, chicken mix, pumpkin, baby spinach and cheese until you get to the top of the dish. Cook until cheese bubbles and browns (approximately 40 minutes on 180 - 200*c). Stand for half an hour then serve.

OMG. Yum!

If you didn't understand my recipe, leave me a comment or question!

Happy cooking!!

A. xo

- Posted from Lola the iPhone

"Self" feeding.

There are (in my mind) two types of weaning.  The first type involves pureeing, freezing, warming and spooning food into an open mouth.  The second type is simply placing sticks of finger food in front of baby in the hopes he/she ingests something.  This is referred to as "Baby Led Weaning".

I have to say, as a mum, I am in favour of BLW (the method we've adopted) as opposed to pureeing, because, let's face it, it's easier.  Some are vehemently opposed to one or the other, but I actually can (now) see the pro's of both.  For instance:

With finger foods, baby learns hand eye co-ordination, as well as hand to mouth movements.
With pureed foods, you know exactly how much baby has eaten, and if he needs more.
With finger foods, baby learns texture and chewing.
With pureed foods, baby can have a variety of flavours in the one meal - namely, a pureed version of the family's meal.

In reality, I no longer believe you should do either one of these options on their own.  Let me tell you why.....

This morning, my son, who is by nature a sweet, loving, happy soul, was grizzling (what's new??).  He'd had a sleep, a bath, a breast feed, and panadol (because of nasty teething pain) and for all intents and purposes had no real reason to whinge.

So, I took him down to play with his toys.  He wouldn't leave me alone!!  He was grizzly and needy, and just wouldn't settle.  I gave him a rusk and popped him in his chair - which sorted him for all of 5 minutes, and when he would have no more of his high chair, I tried again with the toys.  In the meantime, I'd boiled myself some eggs.  I was in the process of eating them, and Eli kept clawing at me trying to get my food.  It was at that point I finally decided to get some baby food out of the cupboard - an extra huge 170g jar of apple muesli (pureed).  He ate practically ALL OF IT!!!  That's more food than I've EVER seen him eat - it's probably the equivalent to 2 jars of normal sized baby food.  A lot of food for a baby...

This poor child - I've been starving him!!!  All this time, I've put cucumber, bananas, apples, potato, carrots and capsicum in front of him to eat (which I will continue to do between meals..) and all he's wanted is to have a full tummy!!  He ate really well too from the spoon (opened his mouth wide and put his lips onto the spoon to get it all off) - he's that little bit more ready for solids now, perhaps because of the finger foods - who knows?  All I know is that he enjoyed that meal more than any other I've ever given him.

** SO, MUMMIES::  Be warned - if you decide to go with baby led weaning - just because a child doesn't eat all that he's given, it doesn't mean he's not HUNGRY!!  Feeeeeeed him!!!!!!!!!

He was a ball of laughs after I fed him properly, and now he's down for his midday nap.  I'd say he feels a whole lot better now - and with this seemingly simple, but obscure revelation I've had, I do too!!

When you have kids - try everything, until something works!  

A. xo

Been thinking......

Two days ago, my son was trying to climb the stairs.  I had turned my back for no more than a minute and when I turned back to see what he was doing, I saw him standing at the bottom stair, readying himself to hitch his leg up and begin.  It was at that same moment that he looked at me, to see where I was.  When he saw me there, he reached out his hand to me, as if to say "Mummy, I need you to help me."  It was so sweet!  I melted just a little bit.

Later that day, I was thinking - What happens to me when this little boy no longer needs me?  He'll be all grown up, maybe have his own family, and he won't need me anymore.  What is it going to feel like when he's a teenager, lashing out at me with hateful words?  It's going to break my heart!  I literally started to cry at the thought of these things... silly right?  But I guess it'll happen one day.  I just hope I know what to do, other than bawl! :o)

Sending a thought out to my mum, who had to deal with me in my teens.... I love you Mum!  And I still need you....... xo

A. xo

Monday, 7 December 2009

Nobody told me there'd be days like these.

As a mum, some days are amazing.  Some days are incredible.  Other days are downright crap.  Those are the days you ask yourself; Am I a failure?  Did I already stuff this kid up?  What could I possibly know about being a parent?  Should I really have done this.......

I wish I knew everything, but apparently, I don't.  I wish I was the one in total and complete control, but apparently, I'M NOT!  Eli has turned 7 months, and with that, it seems, has come tantrum chucking, wobbly throwing, ALL OUT WAR!  I never expected to have to discipline my baby... but I guess, that was among many things I did not expect.

He's just developing his personality - I get it!  But he's occasionally so intolerable I'd be just as happy to leave him in his room all alone to figure it out himself.  Mind you, I simply cannot do that.... He's far to adorable and wonderful to torture like that.  At bed time, when he's fighting tooth and nail to stay awake, that's different.. but in general terms (excluding previously stated bed time), leaving him to cry is just not acceptable.

So, in light of all this new information, I'm trying to teach him to sign.  This way, he doesn't need to talk to tell me what he wants.  He can show me!  I'll say simple things in natural circumstances, like "Would you like more?" while signing "more"; or "Have something to eat," while signing "eat". I think he's ready for it too.  The other day, I was visiting my sister in-law and Eli was playing with a plastic cup.  (He sometimes will drink from a cup if I'm holding onto it.)  Anyway, he kept bringing the cup to me.  I thought about it for a moment, and decided to see if he wanted something to drink.  Turns out, he was killer parched, and drank HEAPS of water!!  This is how I know that my "baby" knows what he wants, and needs ways to ask for it.  If you're keen to check it out, try www.signingstars.com.au  or  www.australianbabyhands.com.  They'll at least get you started with some info.

Good luck to you all!!

A. xo

Monday, 30 November 2009

Crying it out....

I'm a monster.  That is indisputable.

I would be a bad mother, however, if I didn't do this.  My gorgeously adorable happy little boy has, over the last few weeks, become a real drag...  He refuses to go to sleep when he's tired, and if I manage to convince him that he needs a sleep, he only does so for the minimum period of time - 30-50 minutes.  Ordinarily, I would just let him be, pick him up, play with him a little, let him loose in the playpen.  BUT, more recently, he has been waking up cranky and irritated, which, needless to say, is horrible for both of us.

So, I have had to take a different tactic.  He'd turned into what I call a "Sleep Brat".  He thinks he's in control, and can choose if he wants to sleep or not, no matter how tired he is.

I beg to differ.  I am the boss.

So on Saturday afternoon, after a FULL ON day out and about with his Mimi (my mum), Aunty Sharni and I - shopping of course - he needed a big sleep.  2 hours or so would have been sufficient.  Even and hour and a half would work.  But he had different ideas.  30 minutes later he wakes up, cranky and grizzling.  So, mum goes up and pats his bum for about 20 minutes.  He falls asleep twice or more, and every time, in his stubborn "I'll-do-what-I-want" way, he forces himself awake again and cries.  So, we leave him there to scream it out.  It's more like screaming in an angry way, rather than crying cos he thinks no one loves him anymore.  He's peeved.  This is a full on tantrum.  Now that the battle lines have been drawn, if we back down now, we've lost, and it'll just get harder from here.

Almost 2 hours later, we've checked on him several times, tried to get him to lay back down and go to sleep, and he's winding down the pace with smaller, defeated whimpers.  This is when we all breathe a sigh of relief.  He's given up, finally!!  He's dead to the world asleep.

That was traumatic.  For me, not for him.  He woke up about 2 hours later, had a feed and dropped straight back off to sleep.  He was exhausted.  He ended up sleeping really well Saturday night.  When he finally did wake up for the day on Sunday morning, he was happy and cheerful.  It was like he didn't even remember it!  Just in case, though, I gave him tons more cuddles and kisses...

We had a great day Sunday, but again, it was pretty fast paced and he needed a decent sleep that afternoon.  So, we engaged in battle number 2.  This time, it was to get him to go to sleep in the first place.  I had him asleep, and as soon as I tried to put him into his bed, he'd crack it.  It wasn't because of his bed, it was simply him trying to reassert himself.  I couldn't let him win after the massive victory we'd had the day before, so I patted him, cuddled him, reassured him, and left.  It took only 45 minutes of intermittent yelling on his behalf and he was asleep.  Out cold.

I am finding today (Monday), that he is coping a whole lot better with life in general.  I haven't needed to give him nearly as much pain relief for his teething woes.  I also have found he goes to sleep more willingly.  However, I know that I will have to continue in this vein for a little longer, because his midday nap (which he's currently engaged in) wasn't so smooth...

I like to feed him to sleep, which I don't have any dramas with, but sometimes, I can feed him until the cows come home (even when he's absolutely 'past it' tired) and he will fight to the death to stay awake.  I used to just give up and plop him back in his playpen, only to be hit with an onslaught of whingeing and crying because simply nothing will make him happy.  Eventually, after I have almost lost it completely, he'll go to sleep.  Sometimes this would take hours, and he would miss a nap time altogether.

This time, however, I fed him, he rubbed his eyes, grizzled, wanted to sleep... so I put him in his cot, on his tummy.  He cried a little bit here and there for about 5-10 minutes and then fell asleep.  If the phone hadn't rung at that point, he would have gone down without a hitch - but it did ring, and woke him, only to restart the 10 minute process again, but this time with a little more vigor.

He is learning, and he will be able to be put in his cot and go to sleep without all the fuss very soon, I'm sure.  I'm not going to recommend Crying It Out, but I will say this:  What is better?  Cranky, unhappy, unhealthy mother and child?  Or knowing you have done what you had to do, no matter how difficult for YOU?

I never wanted to use a method of sleep training that involved crying, but I knew that if I didn't set the limits now, then my son had one over me.. and that would spoil my beautiful child.  That would have been on my head, and THAT, I could never deal with.

Good luck mummies out there....  You're doing the best you can!

Love A. xo

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Inventing Mums

Ok mummies and daddies... I need you.

If you know of an amazingly practical, great quality baby innovation that you have used and found invaluable, you need to let me know!!

I'm starting a new business - one that will feature all kinds of random essentials that most mums don't really think are necessities until they have their babies and find out they need them....

Please leave a comment if you know anyone, or if you have designed something.  Anything is welcome.  Australian businesses are preferred, but I will look outside OZ to find the perfect ensemble of items!!

Thanks y'all!!

A. xo


So, you know how I told you we dropped the cot lower for my adventurous son??  Well GEEEZZZ I'm glad we did!  In the last two days not only has he become crudely mobile, but he's started pulling himself to a stand on just about anything that won't move!!  I looked away for a moment and he was standing at the window sill beating his head (and laughing about it) on the glass looking out at the cat.

He's having a blast, but I tell you, I am not.  I'm terrified of him crashing down and breaking something (of his own.. ie- head)

It's not so much that I mind he's doing it, or that I have to sit next to him while he does it so he can't hurt himself dreadfully, but it's the fact that I just never know what he's going to do next!  Will he try to walk and I don't see him??  Is he going to figure out how to escape his cot and find a power point??  I'm truly scared..

But hey, millions upon millions of kids survive the transition to toddlerhood, so I guess mine will too.. haha

A. xo

A slice of my heaven....

Oh, how cute you say.... Butter wouldn't melt, you say... HA HA HA

Monday, 23 November 2009

And so ... it begins ...

Four days ago, my little cherub turned a grand 7 months. Literally on that day, he changed. He went from a lump that squealed every now and then, and wriggled without any real success, to a strong little boy who is now able to stand while holding onto the sides of things (for instance, his cot!!).

Now, I don't know why, but I am TERRIFIED! I don't know what I'm going to do with a walker.. especially since he doesn't even crawl yet. I assume, being the super baby he is, he is going to skip crawling either completely, or just crawl for a day and then run off on me the next.

I found him on his knees in his cot, holding onto the railing. I then commissioned my husband to drop the base down so he doesn't combat roll over the top and splat onto the ground.

This raises a whole new set of issues and rules for me... I can no longer leave him on the floor while I shower. He will have to be LOCKED UP! :o) I have to buy stair gate thingy's.. oh joy. I am going to have a sore back from holding his hands while he practices walking. These sound great, right? I'm now going to have to worry if he's going to fall flat on his back and smash his head. This is all too much for me!! I can't cope! How does anyone ever manage a soon-to-be toddler?? He's not even going to be a toddler... just a walking BABY!!

OMG... wish me luck!!

:o) A xo

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Trouble in Paradise...

Hello hello.... I'm back again, this time, a little bit more frazzled than normal.

Eli is teething - again/still - and I've HAD IT!! I can't seem to make the poor little bugger happy unless he's out and about (which frankly, I'm too tired to do) or drugged up (which I don't fancy either). He's in so much pain, to put it into perspective, that I have to give him baby NUROFEN to keep him from being fussy and crying all day. He can't sleep properly, and it's making him (and me) sick.

So off I've trundled, to my mum and dad's place, so that I can - maybe - get a break. Turns out that even with mum and I together looking after him, we're still only just coping.

I don't know how people survive with twins!!!

A. xo

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Promo Time:

I recently got my hands on a copy of the 2010 Annual Ministry of Sound. I'm not too thrilled with it, but that's not cos it's not great. You see, I've turned into a mummy.... The kind that says "don't cuss" and "mind your manners". SO, the MoS isn't really for me - anymore. I'm sad to say that this era of my life is over, but indeed it is.

However, I plan to do a fully unbiased rundown on the type of thing you might be able to expect from this new album.

First up, it's a 3cd set, which includes a tagalong this year - The Aston Shuffle (disc 2). Now, I'm not too sure about all these DJ's that are around now, but this one seems to have his thang downpat. For one, the transitions are SO smooth that you don't even notice it's changed songs until you look and it's track 10..... My fave track of this one was "Pianobytes" - kinda funky and oldschool at the same time (which is more now my thing..)

John Course, of course, is a regular favourite. There's no real question why... This guy, in track 8, makes even Mika sound groovy.... Not the easiest of feats!

Finally, Goodwill takes care of disc 3, and personally, I think this is the best disc of all. I can imagine this one having a reminiscent quality about it - you know, the kind of CD that you chuck on and think about all the great times you had when you went out "that one time". It's bubbly and not quite as dark as the other two discs.

Overall, they are pretty great mixes - John Course preps you, winds you up for the high energy section of the night, The Aston Shuffle kicks your booty into popping mode, and Goodwill is just that - the happy ending to a fabulous fun night, the part you sit around and sip the last of the drinks, too danced out to dance anymore, but you tap your feet and boogie a little with your arms....

Like I said, though, it's really not my scene anymore. Kinda sad, kinda not, but I'll always have my last little piece of it here, in this MoS 2010....

Enjoy! :o)

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

6 months on...

Well... I am slack, there is no disputing that fact. All I can say is, I'm sorry...

So, Eli is gaining on his half birthday - literally 12 days away. I'm kinda sad in a way that my little man is going to be all big soon. He'll be 1 before I get a chance to turn around. I can't believe his little life is going so fast. I can deal with my own life passing quickly - but a little baby? Growing up hastily seems like robbery to me.

I remember being a kid, and wanting so badly to be older. If there is one thing I can instill in my child(ren) it will be to enjoy being young and responsibility free! I wished my life away a fair bit, and in the process forgot to truly enjoy being a child. Now I wish I could do it again and live it up! But I'm sure I would do the same again, wish I could do things I wasn't old or mature enough to do.

But our little Eli is going to be 6 months in less than 2 weeks. It amazes me the rapid progress he's made in a short space of time.

He's gone from 54.5 cm in length, to approximately 70 cm.
He's put on almost 3 kg in weight.
He's managed to cut 4 teeth and is in the process of cutting 2 molars.
He's able to roll over - both ways!
He reaches for and can grasp with ease toys or other objects of interest.
He can sit unassisted for a few minutes and play with toys set in front of him.
He can laugh and smile socially.
He eats solid food from a spoon.
He recognises mummy and daddy as well as various others in his life.
He's teaching himself to crawl.

If you ask me, that's an awful lot of things to have done in 6 months! (Currently, he's done them all in LESS than 6 months!) What scares me most is that the things to come now are major milestones like crawling, walking and talking....

It's all gone so fast, so enjoy things while you can, cos they certainly don't last forever!

A. xo

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Weight.... how much?????

Just an update for all the new mummies out there trying to shed the pounds.... (and not for those who aren't....)

I'm now down a further 3kg - yay for me - so only have 12kg left!! It's been 4 months and I have literally lost (including the baby himself) about 23kg... YIKES!!! I am not one of the lucky ones who have found that breastfeeding just magically fixes the weight issue, but have found that eating well, I manage to lose about .5kg a week... that is actually the recommended speed for weightloss, but it does suck... hahahaha

Anyways... Keep fighting the battle!!! All is not lost, we'll get there together!


Alert - MUST BUY!

There are "Clean Shoppers", and then there are the Infantino Shop & Play! These are the Rols Royce of the Clean Shopper world... They will set you back about $40, and they double as a tummy time mat, and if you get the 3 in 1 mat, a restaurant high chair cover. They look great, and they are the best I've found!!

Find them at selected BigW's....

Good luck! :oD

All I want for Christmas....

Well... hi! After a long silence, I have returned to my blog to update you on ... well ... everything!

Eli still isn't rolling over, but he's a heck of a lot closer than he was before!! His strength is building nicely, he's just got to get that last little bit of technique downpat! Funnily enough, I went with my mum to a natural therapist, who deals with massage and muscle manipulation, and she noticed his chest was sunken. I knew this, but figured it was just how he looked! I was wrong -- his ribs were out of alignment!! I was dumbfounded. Made me think "How is anyone supposed to know this?". No one tells you these things - of course!

Anyway, 10 minutes later, he was readjusted and happy. Turns out this one little thing was having an effect on his breathing, could have disrupted his digestion and was painful for him when using his upper body for rolling over!! (In case you were wondering, this was the point of the story - remember, we started out talking about rolling over.......)

In other news.....

Eli has sprouted his first TWO bottom teeth! That was rough going for a little while... They arrived on the 18th of August, just 1 day before he turned an official 4 months old. Yes, that is early for teeth, and no, he's not bitten me - yet....

Other than these (major) developments, he's been just fantastic. He's loving exploring his legs and feet - especially jumping in his "Jolly Jumper"..... which I have to say, I wasn't sure if he'd like it - but he does.... in fact it could really save my sanity! The thing I think I'm most surprised about is that you can quite literally buy 10 different things that have similar functions, and you will more than likely use all of them! I didn't think I'd buy any of them... but I'm glad I did....

So - off I go, leaving you with a suggestion that possibly defies logic, and all the other advice you've probably ever heard - IF YOU WANT IT, BUY IT, YOU'LL USE IT!!! hahhahahahahahaaa

I should get some sort of commission for comments like that....

Ciao for now....

A. xo

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

By the way - I'm still fat...

So I thought I would give birth and the weight would just drop off me, like a deciduous tree in Autumn. Again, I was wrong. I have lost a considerable amount - as my swelling went down within the first week or two, and I wore support underwear for a couple of months which helped the tummy situation, but certainly not enough to look like my old self. I was dreading the exercise I might need to do - but it appears I am going to have to start doing it. Only 15kg to go - I guess it's better than 35kg!!

1,2,3... Roll over!

Now that I have updated you on Eli's birth and shown you his gorgeous face, I felt it was only natural to tell you about how his first three months have been.

I have learnt a lot, so much that I didn't know, and so much that I thought I knew...

We brought him home on Monday night (April 20th). The first thing I noticed, walking through the hospital, was how damned hard it was to walk!! My stomach felt like it was going to give way to the entirety of my insides and they would fall out all over the floor any second. And although Eli wasn't "heavy", I felt like he weighed a ton. I was stuffed...

That first drive home was scary... I didn't know how he was going to like the ride or if he was going to scream the whole way home. Fortunately he handled it like a pro and the ride home was smooth and uneventful! That's my boy!

It was after that, the fun and games began. I don't remember how many times he woke up or how much sleep we got that night, but I remember being dead tired the following morning. I think he peed in the bed that night too... fun and games alright! But it wasn't long until he became comfortable sleeping in his bassinet.

About day 4 or 5, my milk came in - with a vengeance. My poor baby had wind and reflux all at once, and it took a day of him screaming to figure out all that was going on. We managed to nip it though with Brauer Stomach Calm and Infacol. These two things became my best friends, and I was sure to take them with me everywhere I went. I felt like I was drugging him, but it worked, and he became a different baby!

With that sorted, I got to enjoy my son more than most mothers do. He was cheerful and happy, and such a placid baby! He soon settled into a bit of a routine with sleeping and feeding, and began to love his bath times as well. I could safely say that the first 3 weeks - possibly even 4 weeks, were rather a blur, except for the big smiles he gave me.

At 5 weeks I received the first little giggle. That changes your world! It's like all the hard work you do to make them happy has paid off! You are indeed a good mum! :o) He giggled and smiled and made everyone fall in love with him.

Since then, he's been growing RAPIDLY, defining his personality and preferences, and continues to make people fall in love with him. His Nana - who he knows as Mimi - has showered him with gifts and love and electronic gadgets that are designed to distract and soothe (which he just loves). He is quite simply a joy to be around and easy to please, if you know what to listen for.

**BY THE WAY - Dunstan's Baby Language is INVALUABLE!! You MUST get a copy IMMEDIATELY! I have been able to read Eli's cries easily without stress. It's great!

So, now we're working on rolling over. He laughs gleefully when I help him flip onto his belly! It is really exciting seeing him learn and change, and I swear, if there is any thought in your mind about having a child - DO IT! There is no such thing as the "right" time, a baby will never trully be convenient, and yes they cost money - but that's what friends and family are for! DO IT!!!

OK, I think I've said enough for now...

:o) Bye!

Monday, 13 July 2009

My baby boy

The day after his birth.


Now, I am aware that this is a whole 3 months late - but I am here to tell you the story of Eli's birth. Beware the grissly details...

It was Friday morning, and I had my "final" midwife appointment at the hospital. I was already 4 days overdue - and more than that, I was about to explode. I was hobbling around with ligament agony and so much fluid I could have filled an olympic swimming pool. The skin on my hands and feet was about to burst like the skin on a sausage. That aside, I was hoping for a miracle from my midwife. We sat and discussed options etc, and booked in an appointment for induction - just in case. Then she made a suggestion, which ultimately, changed my world!

She performed what is called in laymans a "strip and stretch" or a membrane sweep. This is a killer, quite painful and intrusive - but having said that, the midwife was lovely and I don't think there was a gentle way to do what she had to do...

That day, I started cramping mildly. Very mildly. I figured this was just a mechanism of my body trying to get my hopes up again, so I refused to get excited.

Lucky... Nothing happened.

I woke up on Saturday feeling frustrated that I was still at home in my bed and not on a hospital stretcher. Mum and I decided at that point to head to the shops. We've got a pretty massive mall only about 10 minutes away, so we set off for a day of walking - in the hopes that SOMETHING would get this baby moving. By that afternoon, say 3ish, I was so exhausted and sore that I actually forgot I was waiting to go into labour. This was a great distraction for me. Finally, I wasn't thinking about birth and the absence of labour pains.

We decided to chill out and watch a movie for the early evening before cooking dinner. It was then that I visited the loo......

What excitement when I discovered a very large, very stretchy glob. IT WAS MY PLUG!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOO! Something was indeed happening. I won't lie, I thought I was going to miraculously go into labour that very minute. Turns out, of course, that I didn't. I wasn't that disappointed. I felt happy enough that one of the many stages prior to labour was happening. I was dilating a little, if only enough to set free my plug. (This is called a show, in case you were wondering.) We had a meat and vege dinner, pain free, and headed to bed at around 10.30pm.

I looked at the clock on my phone when I woke up and it said 1.20am. I couldn't figure out what had woken me up, if it had been a contraction or not, so I just figured I would pee and settle back in for 6 or 7 more hours of sleep.

Oh no you don't!!

At 1.28 I got my second contraction. It was a definite contraction. No mistaking those puppies...

I stayed in bed, thinking about whether I would get up and pace and do the whole cliche running around screaming and waking everyone up saying "This is it!! It's happening!!!". I didn't do that. I hung out for a bit and decided to time it. The next one came within 5 minutes.
8 minutes......... 5 minutes.......... 4 minutes................ I better get up...........

By 1.40am I was getting a contraction every 3-4 minutes. I got up and crept down the stairs, trying to not wake my mum. Of course, she was sleeping with one eye open and noticed the second I came out of my room. She followed me downstairs and helped me time them. I heated up a wheat pack and placed it on my back. I was sitting on the gym ball rocking my hips and breathing. I was shocked at how fast they were coming, and how unmistakable they were! All those times I'd thought "is this a contraction? Or just a Braxton Hicks?" - I felt sooo stupid. There was NO question that these were the real deal. Like they say, if you have to ask, the answer is NO. It's not.

I think it was around 2am when I decided it was time to head to the hospital. I was in considerable pain - and I wasn't sure how long I would labour for before the critical pushing time began. So playing it safe, we headed in.

This is where it all blurs for me. I remember walking into the emergency room, stopping to have contractions here and there, and feeling very important being shoved to the front of the emergency line... (hehe)

They put me in a wheelchair and took me up to level 5. There I waited. And waited. And waited to be examined by a midwife. They didn't have an available room for me, so I sat in the waiting room with mum labouring away. Eventually, by 3am I was taken to an examination room and the nurse checked on my progress.

4cm. NOT happy. I was 2-3cm when I left the nurses office on the Friday morning. This was gonna hurt.

Soon after that I was given a birth suite to hang out in. I thought to myself - I'm going to be in here until my son is born. That was a surreal thought.

I couldn't decide whether I was hot or cold. I was changed into a nightie, and kept changing my mind about the slippers and dressing gown... "I'm cold, put them on... no no no I'm too hot for these.." "Can you check the temperature on the air con - it's freezing - tooooooo hoooooottttttt!!!" (haha) Thank goodness my mum was there.

I started out on the ball, sucking on gas... but wasn't comfy. The pain had intensified to a point where I just couldn't take it. I think it was probably about 5 or 6am when I got my first round of morphine. That was blissful. I laid on my side, strapped to fetal heart monitors etc sucking gas, high on morphine, sipping cordial and water. Roland was great through this process - he did exactly what mum told him to do. I almost slept through this part. I was doped up. It was great!

Didn't last long though. My contractions were heating up again, coming harder and faster than ever.

It was about 9am when I got my next examination.

5cm. Eli was slightly posterior, and his heart rate was still scarily high. (It had been slightly high for the entire time)

Oh god.... kill me now. The morphine was wearing off.

My waters had still not broken either. I was ticked.

I think shortly after that point - say at 10am - my waters were broken by the midwife - Cath. The pain changed immediately. It intensified even more. At this point my contractions had been lasting 90seconds and coming every 2 minutes. This was agonising.

I began petitioning for more morphine. Cath told me she wanted me to get into the shower (I didn't want to move) so I couldn't have more morphine. I was still able to suck on my gas though. Precious precious gas. So off I went. Onto the ball and under the hot water. I LOVED this.... I really got into the zone. When a labouring woman is in the zone - there is not a thing you can do to get her out of it. I was deeply inward, not thinking, not trying to forget the pain, just right in the middle of it. It's probably the most difficult part to explain. But the zone is spiritual, and I really enjoyed that part.

For some reason that I can't recall, I was removed from the shower and put back onto the bed. It was at a point somewhere around here - I think it was about 12-12.30 - that I suggested that I needed to push. I felt like I needed to poo - and that urge was not going away. I was lifting myself off the bed, panting, trying to stop that "poo". I screeched for a vomit bag, threw up and then promptly decided I was not going to continue this process - it was just too hard!

After a lot of convincing, Cath did an internal exam, and lo and behold, I was fully dilated and Eli was coming fast! I cannot tell you how excited that made me!

I was repositioned and was told to push if I felt ready. So I did....

This stage was a mixture of terror and relief. I knew it would all be over very soon, but I was so scared at the thought of getting this baby out of me. I could feel the slow movement of Eli down the birth canal. I can't remember feeling any real pain, just the discomfort of the "pooing" sensation and my legs starting to cave in underneath me. The position I was in was not comfortable to me, and in hindsight, I should have insisted on being repositioned. Cath was very firm, and didn't let me move - which I do regret - but you live and you learn, and next time, I will not be forced to give birth in a position that isn't comfortable to me.

I felt Eli crown. I tried to feel his head with my hand, but for some reason, couldn't get to it... maybe it was my huge tummy.... still so large even without a baby in it.

I pushed, and pushed, and finally, out he came - blue and bloody. I was so incredibly relieved - the pain was immediately over, the job was done, and I could rest. I flaked out on the bed while they assisted me to deliver the placenta.

Eli had low apgars, so they stuck him in the humidicrib. He had had a true knot in his cord, and it was wrapped around his neck. Luckily for him - and us - it was a really long cord. That saved his little life.

I tore badly during his delivery - possibly due to mismanagement of labour. I have regrets about my labour, but mostly, all I can say is I've done the worst kind, the next one will be a breeze. And it is true that you forget VERY quickly how painful it all is, and the thought that you are NEVER having another child disappears with every grin, gurgle and cuddle that you get from your little bundle.

He is now 12 weeks old - and I can't believe it! I am so in love with him. He is amazing - I would do it again in a heartbeat, if it meant that I'd have him. Which means that I will do it again, so I can have his little sister....... Stay tuned!!! haha

Monday, 13 April 2009

Disappointment is the word..

I did it.  I went and got acupuncture.  I really thought it would work.  I really really thought it would work.  Let me explain.  The current stats are that 86% of women at term (which I am) go into labour within 24 hours.  I apparently do not count as one of the 86%, which is insanely crap!  Four days later I've been back for another shot.  We threw the book at my baby, using electricity (by way of a tens machine) and more little tiny needles.  We're all stocked up on moxibustion sticks, the smoking and non-smoking kind.  I don't know.  

I'm just fed up, like every other woman who is at 40 weeks.. every day that passes that I don't have labour pains I'm more disappointed.  I know I shouldn't be, I mean, let's face it.  Eli was only due today..  it's not even like he's late (until midnight).  He'll get here soon I'm sure, and I won't need to medically intervene, but I'm just so desperately waiting.  My whole family was here over the weekend, just waiting for me.  They've had to go home to work, so they missed out this time.  I just wish I'd been able to "perform"..  You know, have a baby on demand.

We have had fun though, having said all of that.  We went for drives to different areas of my city, lunched on mountaintop cafe's and wandered through display homes.  It really was fun.  I will admit also that it was great taking my mind off the absence of contractions.  But inevitably, I had to return home and face the facts:  I am still very pregnant!!!  

I'll let you know how the session today turns out.  He told me that I have already defied the odds and so would be shocked if he had to see me a third time.  I hope this time he's right.  I want this baby out - yesterday if possible.  I am actually starting to long for the corridors of the hospital, the brusque nurses and the probing internal checks.  How sad is that right?  

Anyway - I will let you know, as I said, what the outcome is, when there is one!  

Hang in there all you preggie ladies!  I feel your pain!!

Thursday, 9 April 2009

The beginning of the .. well .. beginning.

I'm up earlier than I have been in the last 3 months...  This is due to my excitement about the arrival of my mum!!  It feels like it's all happening.  Not only do I love the company she provides, but the reason she's here, is for the birth!!!  That's more exciting than shopping and coffee shops. Soo much more!

So it's 8.15 am, but I've been awake since around 6 am.  This is super early for me, I must stress, as lately it seems I cannot drag my sorry butt out of bed until at least 10 in the morning.  I attribute this to "growing a human".  I figure it takes a lot of energy to do something so incredible.  

At this point, it's important to mention that I feel awesomely privileged to be the one who is able to do this.  I was watching a TV show last night that had a segment on men's pain management.  This reporter was literally writhing in pain with simulated contractions.  He lasted a grand 3 hours, working up to 60 second contractions every 3 minutes, before he called a time out.  He was sucking on gas for a bit too, but I guess it wasn't enough for him.  I understand that he was in pain, but seriously, who would go through that if it weren't for the miraculous little person you get to hug and kiss at the end of the torture??  I completely understand him declining to go on for a further 9 hours.  He said something in his agony that made me smile though.  

He said, "I have never been so glad to be a man."  

Now, again, while I stress that I am not knocking this guy - he did ok for a pointless torture session - I had to smile to myself and think, "I have never been so glad to be a woman".  We, as womankind, have an amazing duty as nurturers and providers for our babies, even before they are born.  But do you know what I think is THE SHIZ about the whole thing??  Our bodies do it with no conscious thought!  Our cells are programmed to create something from literally two individual chromosomes.  That blows my mind.  Then we have to summon all our strength, mental, physical and emotional and give birth to this being that has been feeding off our bodies for 9 months.  This being is perfect (in most cases..) and whole and wonderful, and we will never feel love and emotion as deeply for anything else - except for the next being we create within our bellies.  I love being a woman!! I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Anyways.. Sorry, I got off track.  I will keep you updated (hopefully) over this easter weekend on the activities of mum and I.  Oh, and by the way, acupuncture appointment is TODAY!!  I've got my fingers toes and eyes crossed in the hope that this is the straw that broke the waters.. haha.  

Have a safe weekend all.. :)

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Pregnant, swollen and uncomfortable!

So, I am 39 weeks pregnant, and 2 days, with 5 days left on the rocket clock countdown..  I am an anomaly as far as I know.  In all the posts and info sites I've read, the recommended weight gain is around 25-35 pounds (or 10-15 kg).  I have gained DOUBLE the recommended weight, starting at a nice neat 141 pounds (64 kg) and have almost finished my sentence at a whopping 207 pounds (94 kg).  I am surprised to say the least, as I am not that "fat".  I mean, if I were to be honest with myself, I would say, yes, I am a bit bigger than I used to be, and I will have some work to do after I've given birth to my little cherub, but in being honest, I wouldn't say I'm "obese", or disgustingly fat.  I'm puffy in my hands and feet, (refer to previous post "Help! My ring is stuck!") and I've definitely got great "foundation" legs - or so I call them - they aren't about to give out underneath the weight of my massive belly!  Having said all of that, I am looking forward to getting the control of my body back, and returning to my once (unappreciated) good figure.  Stay tuned for the results of that adventure... :)

Help!! My ring is stuck!!

You are going to laugh.. or maybe not.  I'm not.  I'm sure I will later though.  Right now, my wedding ring finger is too sore for me to be laughing.  

I woke up this morning, thinking, maybe now is a good time to remove my wedding ring.  I thought, yeah, sure, my fingers are a bit swollen, but it'll come off with a little olive oil and some tugging!

I was wrong!!

After trying to remove the ring for around 15 minutes, it began to balloon beyond anything I'd ever seen.  It glowed purple and red and hurt so much it brought tears to my eyes.  So I decided to give up and ice it instead.  I guess I'll just leave it on until the swelling from my pregnancy goes down.. let's hope that doesn't take too long.  I don't want to chop the ring off, because it's worth about 15 grand (lucky me, I know!).  In fact, I wonder what it would cost to get my finger chopped off?!?!  Just kidding..  (see, I told you I'd laugh about it later!)

Anyway, this isn't a big deal unless my finger swells to the point where the ring is turning it purple or cutting off blood supply - without my help.  So far, this isn't happening, but I can feel the paunch of my finger hanging over the ring, like a fat man whose jeans are fastened with a belt about 5 sizes too small for his girth.  Hmm.. What to do..

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Soldiers of disease! Preparing to protect.


I just made a call that is going to save my little miracle's life.  I feel like the defender of all things defenseless!  

We, Roland and I, have decided to naturally immunise our little youngling using homeopathic immunisation.  For anyone wondering "WHY", I've pasted a list of benefits underneath (found at homeopathyplus.com.au).  

I'm really excited about it, because for only $72.60, my child(ren) are going to be disease free and there is no risk of any of the controversial issues, ie. Autism.  

Benefits of Homeopathic Immunisation 

1. Homeopathic immunisation is extremely safe. It does not poison, create addictions, or produce toxic side-effects. Chemical interactions with other medicines do not happen. Homeopathy does not harm. 

2. Instead of targeting the pathogen, bacteria or virus that causes the epidemic disease, homeopathic immunisation has its effect by naturally strengthening the resistance of the individual. For this reason, pathogens can never develop a resistance to the prophylactics. 

3. Homeopathic immunisation protects against diseases for which no vaccine exists; for example, the 'B' strain of meningococcal (meningitis) disease that is responsible for most infections in countries such as Australia. 

4. Homeopathic immunisation protects when vaccines may be unsuitable, (e.g. those who have already had an adverse vaccine reaction, the malnourished, the sick and debilitated, the immune-compromised, the pregnant, those allergic to vaccine materials, and those on steroids.) 

5. Recent Australian research showed that homeopathic immunisation provided 90.4% protection against childhood infectious diseases. This figure is consistent with overseas studies. It also compares favourably with the 75-95% protection rates offered by vaccines. 

6. Homeopathic immunisation is easily distributed and dispensed. One dose usually consists of a small, round, sugar pill that is dissolved in the mouth - pleasant for all ages. It does not need needles or syringes, require refrigeration, or depend on teams of trained health workers for distribution or administration. It is clean, natural, environmental medicine at its best.

39 weeks ...

The date is April 7th.  I have 6 days to go til I'm due.  I feel like I was due a month ago.  The 6 days I have left are going to feel like the longest 6 days in the history of mankind.  I was convinced that Eli was going to come early.. chances are, he's not going to.  That's ok, I'm fine with that minor disappointment, but I'm feeling ready to give birth.  

My husband and I are natural types.  We've decided on an intervention free birth (fingers crossed) and I'm really hoping I don't need to be medically induced.  I've made an appointment with an acupuncturist for some assistance, perhaps we'll call it "encouragement" for the baby to come.  That appointment is in 3 days time, on the 9th.  Basically, I'm hoping that it "encourages" Eli to start labour so that by the weekend, I'll have a bouncing baby boy of my very own! Acupuncture is a nice, gentle, natural way of getting things moving.  There is around an 85% chance of going into labour after a session - so I'm feeling really confident that if he's not already here (or on his way) that this will do the trick!

I have never been more excited about anything, ever.  I suppose that's an obvious reaction to an impending birth, but I yearn for this baby like nothing I've ever known.  I'm so in love with him already, it's crazy!!  

So, over the coming months, I want to introduce you to my family, share my birth story, my pregnancy memories and the challenges and joys I face as a new mum.  I hope you enjoy what you read!!